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How to Make Money Trading Sports Online


Trading sports online can be a very profitable pastime and as more and more people get involved that means just one thing... liquidity. With the invention of the betting exchange and the rise and rise of the main one, Betfair, there is increasingly more money being traded on sporting events.

From horse racing to tennis and football to greyhound racing there are many markets to choose from and specialize in. There are even markets for financials and politics.

In-play betting and the ability to place "lay" bets have revolutionized our ability to profit from these markets (for those not in the know a lay bet is betting that an event will not occur ie a horse will not win a race). Just watch any in-play tennis match and see how the odds move. Making sense of these patterns and developing successful strategies to make regular profit is the holy grail for many people.

The basic theory behind all this is that you need to back at a higher price than you lay. It is the same as business all over the world, you buy a product at one price and you sell it at another, the difference between the two being your net profit.

An example is I back a horse at 2/1 for 100. That's 3.00 in decimal odds. If it wins I win 200 and get my stake back. Before the start of the race the odds come down to 6/4 or 2.50. I then lay it for 100 and if the horse wins I have to pay out 150. The difference between my back winnings and my lay liability is 50. That is what I would win if this horse wins and if it doesn't, I lose nothing! A free bet. The really neat trick is to "hedge" your winnings out so you win the same amount no matter which horse wins. In the above example I could lay the horse for 120 guaranteeing me a 20 profit.

The obvious problem is what happens if the odds rise? You're left with a bet you can't sell or get rid of without losing at least some of your stake. This is where the difference between traders and gamblers comes in. A gambler takes risks in order to possibly achieve a profit. A trader is happy to take a series of small losses safe in the knowledge that the wins will outweigh the losses.

There are many and varied approaches to trading but the most important thing is discipline. As soon as you fail to close a trade that has gone against you you are no longer trading but gambling. Sure, you might get away with it but when it goes wrong you will certainly lose a lot more than you bargained for.
The best way to focus your mind and prevent the gambling tendency arising is to work to strict strategies with defined entry and exit points.

If you are interested in finding out more and want some free strategies for trading sports then go to my website at

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How to Prepare On-Going Blog Post Series


Posting on blogs can be tricky business, and you do not want to post too much too quick and overwhelm your readers, it's much better to set up a consistent routine and post accordingly, in a predictable way. However, you may have lots of material to post that you would like to have online, well that's fine but still you must consider the consistency factor, because it is a big part of blogging.

Rather than posting all of your material that you have stored up it is better to create a series or perhaps, a few different series of blog posts. So, if you have let's say 100-pages worth of information, then you need to break this down into half page or one-third page articles. Then group all of it by category and topic. Each topic is another series.

Think of it this way; you have a 100-page book or manual that is broken into 4-5 chapters and sub-chapters. This is what you need to do with your information so that you can break it into bite size articles and place it into a set of series. You will then post the articles in the appropriate size (200-300 words or less) on a schedule of 2-3 per week. You can run 2 or even three series at once, and actually it is better if you do.

This will allow you to attract a variety of different types of readers and help you gather interest, while increasing your subscriber base. Meanwhile you have plenty of information for future blog posts this way. This is one very good strategy to posting in series, please read all the strategies in this series on Blogging in Parts.

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The Real Benefits of Blogging


There are two benefits to blogging. Better search engine optimization and increased profits.

It's a fact that blogging will increase your search engine optimization if you blog on a regular basis and submit your blog post to article directories.

The reason blogs improve your S.E.O. is because every time you update your blog, search engines send out what's called "spiders" and they crawl your blog. And every time they find new content on it, they make a note of it. So over time if you continually update your blog your search engine ranking will also increase.

But if your just updating your blog and not doing anything else your search engine rank will improve slowly. To substantially increase your S.E.O. and increase your traffic. Do keyword research and pick good keywords to title your blog post. Doing this will help search engines recognize the content of your blog.

After you do this the next step is to submit your new keyword optimized blog post to article directories with a link back to your blog. Every time you submit an article to article directories you create a backlink to your website. And search engines view blogs and websites with backlinks as being important. So it's good to build up a lot of backlinks, the more you have, the more important you are to search engines.

An added benefit of submitting articles to article directories is that website and blog owners go to them to find content for their sites. And there not allowed to change the content that they get from article directories so if they decide to use your article as content for there site. You just got another backlink and potentially more traffic to your site.

This extra traffic and better search engine optimization is what will lead you to making more profits.

To get started blogging visit -

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Blogs to Riches?


Looking to jump on the blog-bandwagon? It may look like easy money, but in reality it isn't. There are many pitfalls if you don't know what your doing. Getting popular on the blogosphere is no easy trick. You have to be up for the challenge, and you need to know some things before you start blogging for money.

First of all, do not use someone else's platform to blog. The best idea is to get your own domain. Without your own, you don't actually own your blog. You are stuck with their platform, even if it turns out that you don't like it. If you risk a move to a whole new site, you will have to start all over from scratch and you will most likely lose your following. To profit from a blog, you need a steady crowd, otherwise it's pointless.

You should plan your blogging. Don't just jump into it. Invest in quality blogging software. Make friends with other bloggers. This is not only great for your promotion, but you can exchange links while promoting each other's sites. Research the market and find out what's hot and what's not. Don't just copy someone elses style, create your own that has a clear aim toward a narrow niche. Find that specialized unique subject that the other bloggers haven't thought of yet.

Your own opinion will sell. Don't be afraid to sound controversial, it's alright. That is what will draw the audience. Which brings me to another point: set up your blog so that others can add comments. Making an interactive blog is what people like. Make sure your linked pages have an easy way to get back to your home page for easy navigation, and so they won't get lost and forget what your site looks like.

The tedious part is keeping fresh blogs regularly. A truly money making blog will have current posts at least five times a week. It's your own database that needs constant refreshing. You have to be willing to put in the time to keep things circulating.

Make your posts attractive. You can dress them up with pictures and images that will draw their attention and make it more interesting than just some words on a page. Try to come up with some that will stir an emotional response. Try to really touch your audience.

After reading all this you might be disenchanted. If you aren't and really want to dive into the adventure, remember that the blog market has grown exponentially, but there is no telling how long it will last. It's a waste of time to try to get rich by blogging. If that is your goal, then you are probably at a loss. Blogging is a new fad and everyone is doing it. If you want to blog for money it is extremely time consuming to keep them fresh and to post all the time. You have to make sure that the people that started coming to read your blogs keep coming and you have to keep a steady stream of new comers, plus you need ads to keep your income rolling. All things considered, if you have the time and money to put into it, along with creativity and lots of opinions, go for it. Don't forget that every big wave comes crashing down eventually.

Rupert Macia is a Blog-and-Ping expert. He started blogging even before the phrase Blog and Ping being coined. He set up a website at to share his experience of DOs and DONTs of blogging. Visit the site today to find out if you have been blogging correctly.

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In Search of Blogging Friends


More than ten years have passed since the first blog was introduced to the internet and a unique phenomenon was born. Blogs serve a multitude of purposes today and the vast majority of internet marketers are searching for the best blogging business tip that will increase their traffic flow. In order to gain more visitors to money making web sites, online owners have turned to various methods of marketing and usage of internet tools that will charm the masses. Blogs have gained a significant amount of traction amongst residents of the online business community and with enthusiasm due to the volumes of traffic which are produced. There are several tips that could increase the popularity of a blog and it involves a commitment from internet "friends".

In seeking the best blog design solution, online business owners need visitors on a grand scale for expected success. One such strategy is the use of a wildly popular niche related forum. Establishing a strong presence in such a setting and attracting members of the forum to the blog is tantamount to building a large customer base. Creating a rapport with forum members and forming friendships can make for a lasting business relationship too.

A blog does not have a multiplicity of visitors when it is initially created. It takes a certain period of time for web surfers to find their way to your site. Creating an impression that your blog is popular immediately after it is launched is achieved by responding to your own entries. By using a few "pen names", you can create the illusion of having a popular blogging site that attracts numerous responses. As a result, potential customers will be inclined to join the conversation.

As friendships in the blogging community are formed, it would be a wise choice to invite a "guest blogger" to add an entry to your site and vice-versa. This friendly tactic can lead to more traffic and additional backlinks for your online business. For example, the guest can post a relevant entry to your WordPress or Blogger site and you can do the same at their 360 Blog Yahoo establishment. By forging such a unique friendship, both businesses will grow exponentially.

Keeping visitors focused on your blog is a challenge that should be confronted with innovation and ideas that keep the interest levels at a peak. One such method could involve a lengthy entry that is divided into several parts over a certain number of days. The topic should be interesting and captivating to a point where the visiting audience is riveted and enthusiastically awaits each day that brings a new entry.

When choosing the best blogging business tip from among these examples, the web site owner should obviously focus on the visitors/customers and make every effort to meet their expectations. Blogs offer a much more personal touch to an internet business and this connection to customers affords an owner to have stronger bonds with the clientele.

About the author: Ken Stevenson is a charter member of IMInsider. For more information about blogging business tips, visit IMInsider where you'll find step-by-step video training for anyone interested in starting or growing an online business.

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Many blog owners struggle with getting traffic to their blog, especially when their blog is brand new. Generating visitor traffic to your blog takes a little effort on your part but thankfully modern technology is now making that task a lot easier.

The most common blogging platforms online are Blogger, Wordpress and installing your own WP blog on your domain. It's possible to get traffic to your blog on its first day of launch once you put these tips into practice.

I created a new blog in a health niche on 17 September 2008. Within 24 hours of creating that blog I generated enough traffic to this weblog to award me with a sale.

Let me give you an example of what I do when I start a new blog.

(1) RSS Feed Syndication

Every blog has an RSS feed. By submitting your RSS feeds to the most popular feed services online you can get very quick traffic to your site, particularly if you are focusing on keywords with lower competition in the search engines.

All that you need to do is submit your feed url to a range of services (these are free) as soon as your site is live.

The ones in particular that I highly recommend are:


Now when you submit your rss url to these services it's absolutely critical that you carefully select the right tags to include with the submission. It is these tags that will help drive traffic to y our website. The best tags to use are the ones that are you targeting your site about -- plus what you believe your search engine visitors will put in the search box in order to find out what you're offering.

(2) Social Bookmarking Your Blog

Social bookmarking involves bookmarking your blog, what it's about and what it has to offer at the most popular social bookmarking sites online.

It is important not to overuse this method or to spam these sites.

Simply do a short post explaining why you believe this site or product will interest other people on these sites.

Some of the most popular social bookmarking sites are:

  • YahooBuzz
  • Propeller
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • Mixx
  • Fark
  • MyBlogLog

(3) Social Networking

Social networking is slightly different. Probably the most popular social networking site is Facebook. When you create an account at Facebook or other social networking sites like Myspace you can connect with other people online and create friendships and networks with these people related to your niche.

It is through these networks and relationships that you can then promote your sites or products (although VERY subtly).

Some of the more popular social networking groups are:

  1. FaceBook
  2. MySpace
  3. Classmates Online
  4. MSN Groups
  5. Yahoo Groups
  6. Xanga

(4) Google AdWords

Paying for traffic from Google isn't for the faint hearted. Done incorrectly you could achieve no sales at the end of the week but a Google AdWords bill of hundreds of dollars. However, done correctly you can actually get in front of surfers within about 15 minutes of writing your ads.

(5) Video Marketing

Millions of videos are watched daily by surfers all over the world. Video marketing is really the next wave of internet marketing online. By creating video clips or short video articles and then linking to your url in the video and also in the description box of the video sites you can get high rankings very quickly and drive traffic to your blog fast, provided the quality of your content is good.

Here are some of the easier to use video sharing sites online:

  1. YouTube
  2. Blip
  3. VideoEgg
  4. DailyMotion
  5. GoogleVideo
  6. AOL
  7. Eyespot


Many people online choose to put in as little effort as possible into creating blogs and promoting them.

However, by incorporating some of these simple but more advanced traffic generating methods it is possible to drive targetted traffic to your site within 24 hours of its creation.

Whether you actually make sales after this point is entirely dependent on the feel of your blog, your site layout, the ease of navigation, the quality of the content and the kind of Plugins being used to entice your readers to stay on your blog longer.

Here's a live example of a blog that fits into this criteria that may help your blog to appear more interesting to its readers. It also has a range of techniques in place to keep visitors on the blog longer by internal linking to relevant blog posts. Click here to see how you can incorporate some of these blogging techniques on your blog and increase the amount of time your visitors stay on your blog -- and ultimately return to it.

Colleen Slater is a highly regarded and successful niche blogger. She makes $10,000,00 online as a niche blogger every month. Firepow blogging software helps Colleen achieve this income online. Colleen is able to give you the edge over other Firepow users with an exclusive Firepow offer. Instantly save $30.00 on Firepow and get access to Colleen's exclusive Firepow bonuses to help you make money online. PLUS when you invest in Firepow at the site below you'll also qualify for free one on one email coaching and mentoring with Colleen. Go to http://www.Firepow-Software-Review for more information!

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In Search of Blogging Friends


More than ten years have passed since the first blog was introduced to the internet and a unique phenomenon was born. Blogs serve a multitude of purposes today and the vast majority of internet marketers are searching for the best blogging business tip that will increase their traffic flow. In order to gain more visitors to money making web sites, online owners have turned to various methods of marketing and usage of internet tools that will charm the masses. Blogs have gained a significant amount of traction amongst residents of the online business community and with enthusiasm due to the volumes of traffic which are produced. There are several tips that could increase the popularity of a blog and it involves a commitment from internet "friends".

In seeking the best blog design solution, online business owners need visitors on a grand scale for expected success. One such strategy is the use of a wildly popular niche related forum. Establishing a strong presence in such a setting and attracting members of the forum to the blog is tantamount to building a large customer base. Creating a rapport with forum members and forming friendships can make for a lasting business relationship too.

A blog does not have a multiplicity of visitors when it is initially created. It takes a certain period of time for web surfers to find their way to your site. Creating an impression that your blog is popular immediately after it is launched is achieved by responding to your own entries. By using a few "pen names", you can create the illusion of having a popular blogging site that attracts numerous responses. As a result, potential customers will be inclined to join the conversation.

As friendships in the blogging community are formed, it would be a wise choice to invite a "guest blogger" to add an entry to your site and vice-versa. This friendly tactic can lead to more traffic and additional backlinks for your online business. For example, the guest can post a relevant entry to your WordPress or Blogger site and you can do the same at their 360 Blog Yahoo establishment. By forging such a unique friendship, both businesses will grow exponentially.

Keeping visitors focused on your blog is a challenge that should be confronted with innovation and ideas that keep the interest levels at a peak. One such method could involve a lengthy entry that is divided into several parts over a certain number of days. The topic should be interesting and captivating to a point where the visiting audience is riveted and enthusiastically awaits each day that brings a new entry.

When choosing the best blogging business tip from among these examples, the web site owner should obviously focus on the visitors/customers and make every effort to meet their expectations. Blogs offer a much more personal touch to an internet business and this connection to customers affords an owner to have stronger bonds with the clientele.

About the author: Ken Stevenson is a charter member of IMInsider. For more information about blogging business tips, visit IMInsider where you'll find step-by-step video training for anyone interested in starting or growing an online business.

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