Blogger BlogNet71256

Ionic Water For Health


What would you think if I told you that there was water that could bring your health back to normal, slow the aging process, help with anxiety and depression, and give you energy? You would probably think I was crazy, right? Well, that's what I also thought when someone first told me this. I thought they were crazy. How could just water be the answer to all of these health problems? Well, it is. And here is why...

Imagine that you are a fish. You live a fish bowl owned by a 5 year old boy. The boy really liked watching you swim around for about the first 3 weeks that he owned you. He even asked Mom to let him help clean the fish tank. But after the first few weeks, the 5 year old boy wasn't as interested. In fact, he completely forgot about you. Now fortunately Mom remembers to clean the fish tank out every once in a while, but as time goes on, the length of time between cleaning gets longer and longer until the water looks like a dirty pond by the time Mom cleans it out. Now, how do you think your health would be as that little poor fish? Not so good.

Now imagine that you have that same problem as an adult. When you are young, your body's natural cleaning system removes the old icky water and replaces it with clean fresh water. This continues to happen all through your life, but as you get older, your body retains more and more of the icky water. Also, all of the bad drinks and foods we eat during our life make this process happen even faster. Our body is made up of mostly water. Now, how do you think your health would be as your body isn't able to hydrate and clean itself? Not so good.

That's where Alkaline water benefits you. You're body naturally tends to get more and more acidic as you age. The icky acidic water doesn't do a good job of cleaning your system out and it also oxidizes your organs. You have heard of anti-oxidants, right? Well, the reason those are so important is because they reverse the effect of the acidity in your body. Alkaline water is the best known anti-oxidant, because it has direct access to your whole body since you are mostly made up of water. Just like that fish, you need good clean water going through your system and the best way to get your health moving in that direction is by drinking Alkaline water.

Steven Sheasby, founder of Integrity Mortgage Licensing and Ionic Water for Health. Steven has worked with numerous mortgage companies with licensing across the country. He has managed multiple compliance departments for nationwide lenders and brokers. His experience in mortgage licensing and other mortgage regulatory compliance issues has given him the inside track for dealing with the states. Steven also has provided the most advanced technology for creating Alkaline Water through his company Ionic Water for Health Contact Integrity Mortgage Licensing or Ionic Water for Health at 714-721-3963 or and Or Visit his websites at and

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Blogger BlogNet71256: Dec 1, 2008

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