Many websites are hosted on a shared web hosting server. The main reason is the cost. A shared web hosting server costs a great deal less than a dedicated server. The number of sites on a shared web hosting server can be anywhere from 1500 to 2000 sites. The number of sites on the shared web hosting server will vary due to availability of disk space, allowed bandwidth per site and overall speed. Although shared web hosting is reliable and has minimal problems, there are advantages to host your site(s) on a dedicated server.
A dedicated server for your web hosting allows you to have a server solely dedicated to your site(s). In addition, a dedicated server will allow you complete authority to control and administer your server. When and if you decide on a dedicated server for your web hosting, you should have a fair understanding of dedicated servers. Although most dedicated server web hosting providers will provide technical support, you will find it a lot easier if you have the technical expertise to manage the server yourself. However, if you find that you will not be able to manage your server by yourself, opt for a managed dedicated server hosting. This option is especially for those who want to have dedicated web hosting but do not have the required expertise to manage it. This service allows you to have an entire server managed by a specialized hosting company. The cost of a managed dedicated server is quite expensive. Therefore, if you think that you can run and manage your website server by yourself, you should opt for an unmanaged dedicated server web hosting rather than a managed dedicated server.
You should consider a dedicated server web hosting when you find that the traffic to your site has increased substantially and your site is taking too much time to load. An analysis of the traffic to your site will tell you whether you should go to a dedicated server. The main thing to understand is that when you have many users working concurrently on your website, you should replace your shared web hosting with a dedicated server web hosting.
Since a dedicated server web hosting does not share its server with other websites (like shared web hosting), you will find that you have a lot more command over your server operation and its bandwidth. One of the advantageous features of dedicated server web hosting is that it can also be remotely configured and operated. The only obstacle is the cost. You are required to pay a lot more for your dedicated server web hosting as compared to your shared web hosting. Nevertheless, the facilities more than compensate for the cost.
When you choose a dedicated server web hosting provider, you should keep in mind that it should provide you good network stability, reliable operation, and the ease of operation of sophisticated applications. A dedicated server web hosting provider can be the perfect solution for anyone who is serious about his online presence.
For more information about a dedicated server and web hosting, visit Dedicated Server and Web Hosting
National High School Sports ForumYield Spread Premium is a little known aspect of your mortgage that results in paying thousands of dollars in unnecessary mortgage interest. If your loan originator was marking up your mortgage interest rate to make a profit, wouldnt you want to know about? Here are several tips to help you avoid this little known markup of your mortgage interest rate.
Mortgage loans are retail products just like anything else you purchase. There is a wholesale market and a retail market where consumers purchase mortgage loans. Just like any other retail market, the amount you pay depends on where you go and who you know. Many homeowners think what they pay is based on their credit; however, while your credit does play a role, the amount you pay for your mortgage depends largely on how much of a commission your loan representative receives for your loan.
When your mortgage application was approved you qualified for a specific mortgage rate. This is a wholesale mortgage rate; your mortgage company or broker marks this interest rate up because the lender pays them a bonus for overcharging you. For every .25% you agree to pay over the rate you qualified, the mortgage company receives a bonus of 1% of your loan amount. Because you are already paying origination fees for this companys services, usually 1.5% or more, agreeing to pay Yield Spread Premium is like paying double for your mortgage.
Not only does the mortgage company get paid double, but you get stuck paying a higher mortgage rate which can add up to thousands of dollars each year. The good news is that you can avoid Yield Spread Premium. To learn this and other costly mistakes to avoid with your mortgage, register for a free mortgage tutorial.
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Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid costly mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. To get your hands on this free video tutorial: "Mortgage Refinancing - What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies for finding the best mortgage and saving thousands of dollars in the process, visit
Claim your free mortgage refinancing tutorial today at:
IT Social BookmarksIf you think you can make money only through following a rigid, monotonous 9-5 employee life, you are totally wrong. The world has shrunk. Thanks to the phenomenon called "the internet." There is no longer a need for fixed working hours, no more dictators who act as bosses. You can be your own boss and work from the comfort of your own home. Paid surveys on the internet are one of the easiest ways to make money. So why would a company pay you for taking part in a survey?
A market study is vital for any company before any product or service launch. The market study would focus on the consumer mindset. Once they determine there is a real demand for the product then they would go ahead and launch the product. Before the age of the internet, you would have had people coming to your homes seeking your information on paper. Since the huge cyber upheaval most people do not trust strangers anymore. Information gathering is being pursued through automated means and the age of physical interaction is over.
No wonder, the survey agencies which are being hired by the bigger corporations make so much money for doing so. They are in essence saving the bigger companies a lot of time and money in return. This of course gets passed on to the little guys like you and I. As a result, the opportunity to make money at home through easy paid surveys exists.
The easiest way to make money online is through paid surveys. Make sure you do not complicate an easy process. Never create multiple IDs and do not try to fool the survey sites. Most survey sites monitor your IP address and you could pay dearly, if there is any malpractice. Do not try to over milk the same cow. There are hundreds of real sites which will pay you. It is usually a good idea to use the services of websites which advertise and seek to get you to join them. Such sites are worth browsing, as they provide you with exhaustive information regarding the benefits of joining their site as well as what steps need to be taken in order to get paid, which is why we are in this in the first place.
Check out this Free Guide to Help Find the Best Paying Survey Sites
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