More than ten years have passed since the first blog was introduced to the internet and a unique phenomenon was born. Blogs serve a multitude of purposes today and the vast majority of internet marketers are searching for the best blogging business tip that will increase their traffic flow. In order to gain more visitors to money making web sites, online owners have turned to various methods of marketing and usage of internet tools that will charm the masses. Blogs have gained a significant amount of traction amongst residents of the online business community and with enthusiasm due to the volumes of traffic which are produced. There are several tips that could increase the popularity of a blog and it involves a commitment from internet "friends".
In seeking the best blog design solution, online business owners need visitors on a grand scale for expected success. One such strategy is the use of a wildly popular niche related forum. Establishing a strong presence in such a setting and attracting members of the forum to the blog is tantamount to building a large customer base. Creating a rapport with forum members and forming friendships can make for a lasting business relationship too.
A blog does not have a multiplicity of visitors when it is initially created. It takes a certain period of time for web surfers to find their way to your site. Creating an impression that your blog is popular immediately after it is launched is achieved by responding to your own entries. By using a few "pen names", you can create the illusion of having a popular blogging site that attracts numerous responses. As a result, potential customers will be inclined to join the conversation.
As friendships in the blogging community are formed, it would be a wise choice to invite a "guest blogger" to add an entry to your site and vice-versa. This friendly tactic can lead to more traffic and additional backlinks for your online business. For example, the guest can post a relevant entry to your WordPress or Blogger site and you can do the same at their 360 Blog Yahoo establishment. By forging such a unique friendship, both businesses will grow exponentially.
Keeping visitors focused on your blog is a challenge that should be confronted with innovation and ideas that keep the interest levels at a peak. One such method could involve a lengthy entry that is divided into several parts over a certain number of days. The topic should be interesting and captivating to a point where the visiting audience is riveted and enthusiastically awaits each day that brings a new entry.
When choosing the best blogging business tip from among these examples, the web site owner should obviously focus on the visitors/customers and make every effort to meet their expectations. Blogs offer a much more personal touch to an internet business and this connection to customers affords an owner to have stronger bonds with the clientele.
About the author: Ken Stevenson is a charter member of IMInsider. For more information about blogging business tips, visit IMInsider where you'll find step-by-step video training for anyone interested in starting or growing an online business.
International shippingMany blog owners struggle with getting traffic to their blog, especially when their blog is brand new. Generating visitor traffic to your blog takes a little effort on your part but thankfully modern technology is now making that task a lot easier.
The most common blogging platforms online are Blogger, Wordpress and installing your own WP blog on your domain. It's possible to get traffic to your blog on its first day of launch once you put these tips into practice.
I created a new blog in a health niche on 17 September 2008. Within 24 hours of creating that blog I generated enough traffic to this weblog to award me with a sale.
Let me give you an example of what I do when I start a new blog.
(1) RSS Feed Syndication
Every blog has an RSS feed. By submitting your RSS feeds to the most popular feed services online you can get very quick traffic to your site, particularly if you are focusing on keywords with lower competition in the search engines.
All that you need to do is submit your feed url to a range of services (these are free) as soon as your site is live.
The ones in particular that I highly recommend are:
(2) Social Bookmarking Your Blog
Social bookmarking involves bookmarking your blog, what it's about and what it has to offer at the most popular social bookmarking sites online.
It is important not to overuse this method or to spam these sites.
Simply do a short post explaining why you believe this site or product will interest other people on these sites.
Some of the most popular social bookmarking sites are:
Social networking is slightly different. Probably the most popular social networking site is Facebook. When you create an account at Facebook or other social networking sites like Myspace you can connect with other people online and create friendships and networks with these people related to your niche.
It is through these networks and relationships that you can then promote your sites or products (although VERY subtly).
Some of the more popular social networking groups are:
Paying for traffic from Google isn't for the faint hearted. Done incorrectly you could achieve no sales at the end of the week but a Google AdWords bill of hundreds of dollars. However, done correctly you can actually get in front of surfers within about 15 minutes of writing your ads.
(5) Video Marketing
Millions of videos are watched daily by surfers all over the world. Video marketing is really the next wave of internet marketing online. By creating video clips or short video articles and then linking to your url in the video and also in the description box of the video sites you can get high rankings very quickly and drive traffic to your blog fast, provided the quality of your content is good.
Here are some of the easier to use video sharing sites online:
Many people online choose to put in as little effort as possible into creating blogs and promoting them.
However, by incorporating some of these simple but more advanced traffic generating methods it is possible to drive targetted traffic to your site within 24 hours of its creation.
Whether you actually make sales after this point is entirely dependent on the feel of your blog, your site layout, the ease of navigation, the quality of the content and the kind of Plugins being used to entice your readers to stay on your blog longer.
Here's a live example of a blog that fits into this criteria that may help your blog to appear more interesting to its readers. It also has a range of techniques in place to keep visitors on the blog longer by internal linking to relevant blog posts. Click here to see how you can incorporate some of these blogging techniques on your blog and increase the amount of time your visitors stay on your blog -- and ultimately return to it.
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