Blogger BlogNet71256

How Blogging Is Changing The Face Of Real Estate Marketing

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The Internet is revolutionizing a lot of aspects of human endeavor these days, from dealing with social relationships, selling products and services and dealing with real estate.

For real estate marketing, the stylish thing to do these days is to get a blog now. Funny as it may sound, many will be asking why should I blog?, and what's a real estate blog by the way?"

Technically, the term "blog" refers to a short cut reference for "Web Log", just like a ship captain's or night watchman's log. Before, these blogs were viewed as personal journals posted on the Internet for everyone to read, and upon which readers could also comment on.

Blogging started out with very limited groups or circles of readers, and was more of a personal journal stuff, which had photos, information and links to things of mutual interest. These days, one may have a personal journal blog and post his or her personal thoughts, and even political or social views. One could also place links in their blogs to review books or movies. A lot has evolved with blogging, so much that even major TV networks, like CNN, BBC and others, which regularly cover comments made by people who post political and social commentary on their blogs.

How Blogging Helps In Real Estate Marketing

Since blogs have are more personal touch, just how beneficial could it be for real estate businesses? Blogging should be included as one of the primary tools that a broker or property has in their marketing arsenal.

By having a real estate blog about your location, events, updates and commentary, a local real estate agent can start to position himself as a qualified "expert" on a specific area, and knows the real estate trends there. Those who will read your blog can then "subscribe", just like regular magazine or newsletter subscriptions, and have your real estate blog reviews, updates and articles delivered to them daily in their "news reader" or e-mail inbox.

What Info Should You Include In Your Real Estate Blog?

If you think it sounds a bit confusing, don't worry, as there is a lot of information that the average commercial or residential real estate Website visitor wants on your site. Your blog should be constructed in such a manner that the format is precisely crafted to suit the information that your site visitors would be looking for, like local property market news, knowledgeable commentary on the local market, updated statistics and your expert analysis of data, area information in the context of neighborhood locations, complete info about your services in the context of their needs, and how you could help them with home buying and selling as specific to your local market.

Basically, it's rather inexpensive or almost free to set up blogs. A lot of the info on your Web site can be converted into articles for the blog. Many are now saying that as much as 90% of all real estate sites are totally ineffective in generating sales for the agent or brokerage firm, because as there are hundreds of thousands of real estate Websites out there, most are just static billboards which scatter unwanted information to their readers, and the sad fact is that most of the info presented on these sites are simply the ones that visitors do not want to read or are not interested in. - Real Estate

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

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