While it seems that other virtual worlds like Second Life are becoming less and less popular, World of Warcraft still continues to be one of the most popular online games among players from all around the world.
Who are those players who participate in one of the most exciting virtual world in the history of the Web? Who compose the magnificent loyal crowd that spends hours and hours playing online?
Since its release in 2004, World of Warcraft became a huge hit. Run an online search about it and you'll find thousands of articles trying to understand and analyze the secrets of the WoW appeal.
One thing that makes World of Warcraft success unique is the fact that it is a global phenomenon and that players from different parts of the world share the same passion for this game. It is not common that virtual games attract fans from all over the world, but now it seems that the World of Warcraft crowd can be found in different continents, different countries and different time zones.
You can find World of Warcraft players in Asia, America, Europe and even Australia and Africa. This game is huge everywhere.
If the common thought is that World of Warcraft users are mainly males that facts prove differently. One distributor of World of Warcraft gold guides told us that he receives orders both from males and females and that some of the most avid WoW gamers are females. It seems that World of Warcraft appeals to both genders equally and that everyone can found his or hers own place in this virtual world.
It is interesting to see how World of Warcraft gamers interact within themselves in all sorts of virtual chat rooms, gold guide WoW forums and other designated Wow forums. These forums are the best way for anthropologists to examine the World of Warcraft crowd. It is interesting to find both young and older players all interact and chat about their favorite game.
It is a fact that World of Warcraft can bridge between age differences, cultures and genders. Maybe it will even bring world peace?
Ariel is a researcher and an avid World of Warcraft gamer. He also distributes Gold Guide WoW accessories.
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