Many people find it difficult making a single sale because they are not applying the secrets that guarantee sales. I will like to reveal to you the secrets that will increase your sales almost overnight.
- Use a powerful headline; you need to capture the attention of your visitors within seconds. It is the power of your headline that determines this.
- Pack your website with benefits; every visitor has something in mind when he comes to your website. He wants to know that he is not wasting his time and there is something to gain for coming. So stress the benefits of your offers not the features.
- Follow up on your visitors; research has shown that less than 3% of visitors actually buy the first time they visit a site. You need to find a way to keep contacting them and reminding hem of you offers. An auto responder will help you manage the data base of your visitor names and e-mail addresses, so that you can be contacting them. To sign up for an auto responder, go
- Offer a money back guarantee; if you offer a money back guarantee, your customers will be confident buying from you.
- Add bonuses; never sell your products without 'bribing' your customers. Always give them something extra so that they will feel that they have landed a big bargain, it will make them come back.
- Offer a back-end product; always offer your customers additional products and services related to your initial product. People that have bought from you will feel more comfortable buying from you again.
Combine all the secrets above. Don't just pick one of them to use (A. Alabi)
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