Capable of reading CDs as well as DVDs, this device is besotted with the video playback feature as well. These latest gaming consoles have the ability to support PlayStation memory cards and PlayStation controllers. This newest gaming console is very lightweight and thus gives user the freedom to carry it anywhere he wants to and play whenever he feels like doing so. The new console has undergone makeover both internally as well as externally. While its size has reduced to the 3/4th of the size of the last version, its thickness has also come down to just 2.8 cm.
The craze for electronic gaming is increasing day-by-day and so is the variety of the gaming consoles available in the market. There are numerous gaming consoles available, each in constant competition with the other, in the present day market. The PS2 is indeed much better than its predecessor in all the possible aspects, be it technology, quality of games, graphics, music, and thus the whole gaming atmosphere has been progressed.
The PS2 consoles are surely increasing the creativity of the skilled players thereby driving them out of the monotony. The Ethernet port which comes along with this console can be used for network gaming as well. The DualShock controller of the PS2 Console would help the gamers to manipulate the action of the gaming characters with great ease and interest. The embedded memory card of this gaming system is 8 MB and includes a wide range of mind boggling games in one's favourite's list. Also, it efficiently uses the Sony's Magicgate encryption which prevents third parties to produce memory cards without the license of Magicgate encryption.
Video gaming is getting sophisticated day by day. With latest exciting features, the PS2 consoles are surely replacing the outdoor games making people remain stuck to their seats and lost in these games. These modern games are indeed reinventing the gaming concept and enhancing it each second passing by. These games are focussing the need of recreation in the hectic world people dwell in. Moreover, they help in one's creative development. Their affordable prices, exciting features and stylish looks are adding to the glamor and craze attached with them.
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